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WOODBURY — On Saturday, Nov. 15, during the Ladies Social Network Holiday Bazaar, Main Street Woodbury will introduce the new Shop Woodbury contest. The contest is open to all Woodbury residents and visitors as long as they have a Shop Woodbury Card. The Cards are available through the Main Street Woodbury office located at 36 S. Broad Street.
Each month, Shop Woodbury card holders, who spend the most amount of money in Woodbury, will be eligible to win a $50 gift certificate from a local Woodbury merchant.

Starting on the 15th of each month, Main Street Woodbury will collect Shop Woodbury Cards along with original receipts and total the amount of money each card holder has spent during a given month. The cardholder who proves to have spent the most amount of money will receive a $50 gift certificate from a local merchant. The certificate will be presented to the card holder at the local business during a small ceremony. Local merchant participants include: The Monogram Shop, Tire Corral, Tiana’s Boutique, and La Piazza DiScotto’s.
American Express has promoted an annual national Shop Local campaign which starts Thanksgiving weekend. To enhance American Express’ promotion, the Gloucester County Economic Development office partners with the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce that same weekend to promote the Gloucester County Shop and Dine Local Campaign.
To kick off the Shop Local theme and the Shop Woodbury contest early in the season, Main Street Woodbury has partnered with Woodbury’s Merchants Association and the Ladies Social Network to present Woodbury’s 1st Annual Holiday Bazaar. The event will run from 10 am – 4 pm. There will be more than 40 vendors lining Broad Street from Barber to Cooper, featuring crafters, a face painter and a DJ. From 1-4 pm there will be a magician and balloon artist walking the streets along with Santa and his elves handing out candy canes.
The Ladies Social Network is a local South Jersey network that supports women and promotes local business. They organize events for vendor members to participate in and to bring traffic into local towns like Woodbury. The Ladies Social Network has been working with Main Street Woodbury and the Woodbury Merchant’s Association and have held outdoor events throughout the 2014 summer. The Ladies Social Network table will there table located on the corner of Cooper & Broad St. They are accepting new unwrapped toys for local NJ children in need and will donate them to the Robins' Nest Inc.