Category: Top News
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WOODBURY — Here are some cool things happening at and with the Woodbury Public Library:

Saturday, September 27, 11:00AM
Special Saturday: Rubber Band Crafting with Mrs. B
Woodbury Public Library, 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury
All ages. Free. Snacks provided.

Learn how to make rubber band jewelry with or without a loom! We'll supply the rubber bands but feel free to bring your own, too! Even if you already know how, come hang out and enjoy the fun!
Call 856-845-2611 or visit for more info.

Wednesday, October 1, 7:00PM
Book Talk with Author Julia McDonnell Chang
Woodbury Public Library, 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury
Local author of Mimi Malloy, At Last will join us for a little discussion about inspiration and perspiration and all those things that go into writing and publishing! Hopefully we can also convince Julia to read to us from her delightful book.
Call 856-845-2611 or visit for more info.

Tuesday, October 7, All day
Woodbury Public Library Day at Chili's Deptford
Chili's 1760 Clements Bridge Road, Deptford
Pay as you go.
Here's how it works: Go to Chili's on October 7. Eat and drink and be merry. Give your server a copy of our voucher (which you can find here) and Chili's will donate a portion of your bill to Woodbury Public Library! It's that easy. Hope to see you there!
Call 856-845-2611 for more info or visit our Friends page.