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The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities hit a milestone when its Comfort Partners Program surpassed 90,000 homes made more energy efficient since its launch in 2001.

The Comfort Partners Program is available to any New Jersey household with significant energy use, having an income at or below 225% of the federal poverty guidelines.

Households that receive USF, Lifeline and/or Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) are also eligible.


The customer's home must be his or her primary residence and be the ratepayer of record with the electric or gas utility.

This program partners with the customers to help them save energy and money and make their home healthier and more energy efficient.

Certified Building Performance Institute contractors will install energy saving measures in the customer's home to help lower energy bills.  Also, the participants will be taught new ways to conserve energy and how to create an Action Plan to support their efforts.

All efficiency measures and energy education services are provided free of charge.

This program is available through June 30, 2015 or while funds last.

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