WOODBURY — The Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office has speakers available with experience in more than 20 topics involving public safety and the criminal justice system.
“Over the last several months, there have been many law enforcement issues which have received national attention,” said county Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton. “Our Speakers Bureau is an excellent opportunity for your group or class to learn more about these issues in our criminal justice system.”
Prosecutors, investigators and other staff can be requested to address civic, community or educational groups on arson and insurance fraud; bias/hate crime; bullying; child abuse and neglect; child sexual abuse/ awareness and prevention; community prosecution initiative; consumer fraud and white collar crime; criminal justice system careers; criminal justice system overview; crimes against the elderly; crime scene investigation; cultural diversity; domestic violence; drug abuse prevention; function of Prosecutor’s Office; gang prevention/identification; identity theft; Internet safety; juvenile justice; media relations; Megan’s Law; missing children; prom events; sexual assault/dating violence; traffic safety.
To schedule a speaker, contact the GCPO’s Phyllis Covici at 856-384-5534.