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SOUTH HARRISON TWP. — Gloucester County Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger announced the dates for the County’s 2015 Household Special Waste (HSW)Collection Program with the first date in April.

The HSW Program is a series of periodic collection events conducted at specified locations where Gloucester County residents can drop-off their old oil-based paint, motor oil, antifreeze, rechargeable batteries, CFL bulbs, fluorescent tubes, solvents, pesticides, pool chemicals, and similar materials for recycling, reuse, and/or proper disposal. 

Latex paint is not accepted and must be dried out with kitty litter and placed in the regular trash. 

This is a free service for Gloucester County residents.  Businesses are not permitted to participate.

Freeholder Director Damminger said, “As the weather starts getting nicer, people will start cleaning out their garages and sheds, and this special waste collection gives them a place to take chemicals and other materials that cannot be placed in the regular trash.”

Damminger said that Gloucester County first began conducting HSW Collections in 1989.  At that time there were only two collections held per year. Over the years the GCIA, in cooperation with the Board of Chosen Freeholders, has expanded the number of HSW events offered to the current four day schedule.

“During the 2014 HSW Program the county accepted over 173,000 pounds of materials from more than 2,000 County residents,” said Damminger.  “Every pound of that material helps keep our environment and waterways clean for future generations."

HSW will be accepted at the Gloucester County Solid Waste Complex, 493 Monroeville Rd. (County Rt. 694), South Harrison Township on April 18 and September 26.

HSW will be accepted at the Gloucester County Public Works Department, 1200 N. Delsea Dr., Clayton on May 16 and October 17.

All events are conducted rain-or-shine and start at 8 a.m. and end at 2 p.m.  No materials will be accepted after 2 p.m.

Residents must adhere to the posted event times; materials cannot be accepted after the closing time.
The drop-off events are limited to Gloucester County residents only. Commercial businesses are prohibited from participating. Materials will only be accepted for each scheduled event at the designated drop-off site and will not be accepted at any other location (i.e. materials will not be accepted at the County Roads Department on a date when the collection is being held at the Solid Waste Complex).

For further information on the 2015 HSW Collection Program or to have a detailed brochure mailed to you that includes all materials accepted and maps to the drop-off sites, please contact the GCIA/Office of Recycling at 478-6045. You can also check out the Recycling Link on our website.