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GREENWICH TWP. — When police were called to the Gibbstown Shopping Center near Wilson’s Pub on Nov. 27 for a report of a disorderly male causing a disturbance, the man and a woman friend fled, but only after allegedly backing a car into the front glass windows and structure of the Gibbstown Dentistry Office.

The crash reportedly caused severe structural damage, police said.

Tracing the car from identifiers left behind, officers found the vehicle unoccupied in the parking area of the VOA apartment complex, said police.

Investigation determined the female was registered at the Motel 6, but officers were at first unable to find the man or the woman, police said.

On Nov, 30, officers arrested James T. Tuers, 34, of Clayton and charged him with disorderly conduct, unnecessary disturbance, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report an accident, abandoning a vehicle, careless driving and driving without insurance, said police. The vehicle was impounded and Tuers was served with complaint summonses and released.

In other news from Greenwich Township:

— Someone entered an unlocked vehicle at a Ladner Avenue residence on Nov. 20 and took a bow and arrow set and a tree stand, but left the items on the home’s front lawn.

— On Nov. 21, police were called to the ShopRite store, where store security was holding Anthony D. Bock, 31, of National Park, who allegedly was wanted for a similar theft on Nov. 20 at the store, said police. Bock was charged with possession of hypodermic syringes and two counts of theft of baby formula valued at $251, police said. He was served with the complaint summonses and released.