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WOOLWICH TWP.  – The Gloucester County Department of Public Works will begin its
first highway paving project for the season on or about Wednesday, June 30.

Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said that the County would be resurfacing
Oldmans Creek Road (CR 602) from Kings Highway (CR 551) to the Creek Bridge,
approximately 1.50 miles of roadway.

Damminger said, “Every year the county is committed to resurfacing several miles of
roadway to provide the needed routine maintenance to protect the investment in our
404 miles of existing roads and 85 bridges.”

Freeholder Heather Simmons, Liaison to the Department of Public Works said, “Once
this project is completed, which will take about a week, the county will coordinate
a schedule for the remaining 8.5 miles of paving projects that will be completed
this summer.  Summer is the best season to complete these projects to reduce
inconvenience to motorists and to have the optimum weather conditions.”

The $225,000 project is funded through the county’s capital budget.  The project
will consist of milling 2 inches of the existing asphalt and overlaying the roadway
with 2 inches of new asphalt surface course. Wheel ruts and other pavement
distortions will be removed by this pavement overlay. Existing inlet grates not
meeting NJDOT standards will be replaced with new bicycle safety grates. The inlet
openings not meeting NJ Storm Water Management Guidelines will be replaced or
retrofitted. Traffic striping will also be replaced.

The roadway will remain open during construction with alternating lanes north bound
and south bound.  Residents shall have access to their driveways at all times. The
contractor (South State) will maintain driveway aprons within the project limits
during construction.