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WOOLWICH TWP. — Gloucester County Freeholders have announced that the Department of Public Works will begin resurfacing Swedesboro Road (CR 538) in Woolwich Township from Monroeville Road (CR 694) to Palsy Road on or about June 10.

Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said that the project is being completed in order to address the deterioration of the existing surface.

The project will consist of milling two inches of the existing asphalt and overlaying the roadway with two inches of new asphalt surface course. Wheel ruts and other pavement distortions will be removed by this pavement overlay. Existing inlet grates not meeting NJDOT standards will be replaced with new bicycle safety grates. The inlet openings not meeting NJ Storm Water Management Guidelines will be replaced or retrofitted. Traffic striping will also be replaced.

The roadway will remain open during construction. Eastbound and westbound traffic along Swedesboro Road will be maintained by way of lane shifts, detouring or alternating traffic during the various stages of construction. Residents will have access to their driveways at all times and the contractor will maintain the driveway aprons within the project limits during construction.

The hours of the project will be from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and should be completed within two days