Category: Top News
Hits: 5950

When I was laid off from the newspaper in September 2014, I wasn’t really ready to retire.

Instead, I launched the Gloucester County Online website, featuring Gloucester County local news, my column and my own photographs.

The website was taking off pretty well at first. Someone at the paper I used to work for even asked a police chief how I was able to get news before them. I found that pretty funny. I’d gotten the news first for them for 30 years. Why would they think I couldn’t get the news first for my own website?

It was great fun, although it quickly became a full-time, one-man job for which I was not getting paid. I was selling advertising for the site, but not many businesses were buying, even though my rate was pretty reasonable.

When I started having to focus more on my medical problems, I informed my advertisers I would no longer be regularly be producing news. Since then I have pretty much  written nothing for the site but my column.

Now, as I recuperate from my last surgery, I have had to consider what I will be doing.

Do I want to return to trying to cover Gloucester County single-handedly?

Scott Edmonds at New Dodge’s Market in Elmer contacted me to book me for this year’s summer concert series but it has been more than a year since I played last. I’m no sure I can go back to performing in public quite yet, so I canceled that appearance.

I think I might be ready to be retired now. Although I am considering becoming a full-time philosopher.

So, if you see me sitting at the river, don’t just rush over to say “Hello.”

I might be philosophizing.
